Sunday, June 19, 2011

Apt. 142

First and foremost....Happy Father's Day to my amazing husband and the best father in the world! Kenna and I love you SO much Brent <3

So I figured I should post some photos of our new apartment. We are mostly finished unpacking, and my house is clean...Well, as clean as it is going to get with my little mess-maker running around :) We went from a 670 sq.ft  one bedroom apartment to our new two bedroom 935 sq.ft apartment and we are LOVING the extra space <3

Not to mention we now have our own washer and dryer, and THAT my friends is amazing! I  know the pain of having a baby in one arm, and a laundry basket in the other, walking down a flight of stairs and across a parking lot to pay over $3.00 for one load of laundry....and let me tell you that makes the tedious chore of doing laundry even more mind-numbing! One thing is for sure though, I never thought I would get excited about a washer and is the little things in life that make me smile :)

My pride and joy lol

Friday, June 17, 2011

Idaho or bust.

Well we sure have been busy! Who knew packing up and moving 900 miles away would take so much out of you!?

Brent was offered a position with Wells Fargo, in Boise Idaho and after thinking long and hard we decided to go for it. Although I cried just thinking about leaving my family I knew that this was an opportunity we could not pass up. We only had about two weeks to pack, find a place to live, and head on out!

Dan and Brent packed up and left on Sunday and made a pit stop in Vegas (Brent's first time there, not sure I want to know the details) then drove the rest of the way Monday and unpacked and moved in on Tuesday. McKenna and I left Wednesday afternoon and arrived in beautiful Boise around 9PM. McKenna's first plane ride was a hit! She played peek-a-boo with the people in front and behind us, and even got to sit in her own seat and play.  I was so proud of her, for one EXHAUSTED baby, she did great!

The last two days have been full of trips to Walmart, unpacking, and exploring this gorgeous city! Brent, McKenna and I walked around beautiful downtown Boise, had some lunch, and stopped to play in the grass near the Capital Building.