I have been having some minor issues since McKenna was born; chronic hives, insomnia, acne, weight gain, and fatigue. Now, some of those things come along with motherhood, and they are to be fully expected; but almost everything on that list I found that I can have complete control over.
On Monday I went to the doctor for my annual check up; I was told something I have never been told before in my life... that I was overweight. Growing up I was always in good shape; I was athletic and always on the go; so when I got pregnant and gained 60 lbs, it was really hard for me to deal with. I felt like this skinny girl in this HUGE body. After giving birth I expected my body to just bounce back, silly mistake. Now, more than a year later I lost 40 lbs of the 60, and now I have at least 20 more to lose. To make it a little easier, I was also told that I am allergic to basically everything I shouldn't be eating...Wheat, rice, corn....and much more. After I left my appointment I realized that I needed to do something about my unhealthy eating habits and change my lifestyle.
When I got home from my appointment I contacted one of my oldest and
greatest friends
Sage, (She told me about the Paleo Lifestyle just a few weeks ago when I was complaining about my insomnia, but I don't think I was ready then.) I asked her for some grocery shopping suggestions and she helped me tremendously! I have now started doing my research and I have found that this way of living is purely focused on getting healthy, the natural way.
The Paleo diet is a way of eating that best mimics diets of our hunter-gatherer ancestors - lean meats, seafood, vegetables, fruits, and nuts...no artificial/processed foods!
I am SO excited to start this journey. For me this is not just about losing the baby weight, this is about creating a healthier life for myself, and my family. So, I will keep everyone updated on my progress, I am determined to get healthy :) NO MORE EXCUSES!