Thursday, October 6, 2011

U.S. Army

Today we woke up at 4 AM and went downtown where Brent was sworn in to serve in the United States Army. This is something we have been thinking about for a while, and we finally decided that this is what would be best for our family right now. Brent will be leaving on April 9th to go to basic training at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina, then heading to AIT at Ft. Lee, Virgina where he will be doing Small Arms and Artillery Repair. Although I am dreading the day he leaves for basic, we are both very excited to see what the future holds. This new lifestyle will give us the chance to grow as a family and become a stronger, closer unit. I have never been so proud of my husband, he is an amazing man, that would do anything to make sure his family is safe and provided for.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Small Things

So, I am always looking for good blogs to follow...and I came across one on Pinterest today that I absolutely LOVE <3 It is hard to find a good blog on hair, but let me tell you... She has fun and easy tutorials, posts on her favorite products, and she also does some really awesome giveaways :)

Check out this lovely lady